a picture of Soma Poormohammadi a Kurdish language teacher
The repression of the Kurdish nation by the Tehran authorities has become so widespread that in the 21st century, Kurds are not allowed to study even in their mother tongue and Kurdish language teachers are imprisoned.
According to reports received by Avatody, Soma Poormohammadi, a Kurdish language teacher in Sanandaj, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison in two separate cases.
According to a relative of Soma Poormohammadi, Soma's trial took place on Tuesday, April 16. During this, She was sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of "forming a group to undermine national security".
Earlier, Soma was sentenced to one year in prison on charges of "disturbing public order in another trail.
Soma Pourmohammadi, who is also a member of Nozhin Cultural and Social Organization in Sanandaj, was arrested by Iranian security agents on October 30, 2022 and temporarily released on bail of 1 billion Iranian Rials two months later.